Pacific Winter Seminar – Saturday 9 am

Registration is being held open through noon on Friday. This is a rare opportunity to hear Prof. Tomoyasu Naito, Professor Emeritus of Ryukoku University and Kangaku (highest academic rank of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha mother temple in Kyoto Japan). To register call the temple office at 206-329-0800, leave your name and indicate you are registering for the Pacific Winter Seminar. Registration fee is $30 and is payable at the door. For more info please see the event flyer.

Pacific Seminar Winter 2015 Eng flyer FINAL

Pacific Seminar Winter 2015 Jpn flyer FINAL

White River Buddhist Temple seminar March 14

Jisui Craig Horton will be our featured speaker at the White River “Body and Mind Seminar” on Saturday, March 14.  Come & hear Jisui Horton’s fascinating life story as he made his way to Buddhism from the streets of Cleveland, Ohio.  He became a senior leader and teacher of Buddha Dharma 20 years ago.  Jisui Horton’s realization of the Buddha Dharma and Nembutsu is very dynamic with his African American heritage.

Registration deadline is this coming Sunday, March 8.

Follow link for more information and registration form.