Buddhist Women’s Conference Oct. 19

Seattle Betsuin will sponsor it’s second Buddhist Women’s Conference on Saturday, October 19, 2013. The title is “The Heart and Mind that Benefits Others, “Rita no Kokoro.”

This year’s presenters include two Jodo Shinshu ministers and one fine arts professor. We’re excited about the theme, the quality of speakers we’ve lined up, and the opportunity participants will have to ask questions in a safe and comfortable environment.

We hope you’ll consider taking advantage of this rare occasion to learn from three women leaders, who will share their knowledge and experiences from very different perspectives.  From one who attended last year’s session, “The conference was very informing without being too educational and stiff – easy to relate to.”

The day promises to be worthwhile for all of us.

Access flyer with speaker information.

Click for registration form.

Japanese language seminar: 親鸞聖人からのメッセージ – 正信偈に込められた想い

Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara will present a half day Japanese language seminar on Saturday, September 17th, 1:30P – 5PM, titled “Message from Shinran Shonin – His thoughts in the Shoshinge”. Rev. Kuwahara is a staff member of our mother temple, the Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto Japan, who is currently assigned to the Center for Buddhist Education (CBE) at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley, CA. There he serves as the coordinator for the CBE’s Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course.