Buddhist Women’s Conference returns Sept. 23

2017 WiB Flyer lite skyline + speakersAfter a year’s hiatus, the temple’s almost-annual Women in Buddhism conference is returning September 23, 2017.

The theme for the day is “Buddhist Paths: Women’s Choices.”

Three outstanding guest presenters have committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise that day: Rev. Carol Himaka, resident minister of Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church; Rev. Candace Shibata, minister at Berkeley Buddhist Temple; and Dr. Kiyoko Tokuno, senior lecturer in Comparative Religion at the University of Washington’s Jackson School of International Studies.

See the flyer for the titles of their presentations.  You can register here.

Register today for the NW Buddhist women’s conference

Buddhist Women’s Association conference:  October  7-9, 2016

All Buddhists or those interested in learning more about Buddhism are invited to attend the 44th NW Buddhist Women’s Association District Conference on October 7 – 9, 2016  at the Bellevue, WA Westin Hotel.

The theme, “Linked in the Nembutsu, Tsunagatte” promises an exciting program with outstanding  speakers, Dr. Sharon Suh (English) and Rev. Mutsumi Wondra (Japanese).

Registration has been extended until September 15. Full registration cost is $195.

We hope you will join us to share the Buddha Dharma. Expect a meaningful and enjoyable conference. We all look forward to seeing you.

Questions? Contact:  Buddhist WomensAssociation.Reg@gmail.com


Human Nature within Buddha Nature

Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi, longtime workshop facilitator who spent part of his ministerial orientation period at our temple is presenting a workshop, Human Nature within Buddha Nature: Waking up to a Path of Harmony, August 8-10, 2014 at the Quaker Center near Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Cost is $195 if paid before July 13 to cover shared room and meals. Tuition by donation. For more information, Rev. Akahoshi can be reached at (619) 500-5002 and kenjiakahoshi@gmail.com.

Japanese language seminar: 親鸞聖人からのメッセージ – 正信偈に込められた想い

Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara will present a half day Japanese language seminar on Saturday, September 17th, 1:30P – 5PM, titled “Message from Shinran Shonin – His thoughts in the Shoshinge”. Rev. Kuwahara is a staff member of our mother temple, the Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto Japan, who is currently assigned to the Center for Buddhist Education (CBE) at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley, CA. There he serves as the coordinator for the CBE’s Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course.