Save the date for “Tools for Spiritual Wellness — Women in Buddhism Conference

WiB logo1Registration is open for the Sixth Annual Women in Buddhism Conference
“Tools for Spiritual Wellness”

Saturday, September 22, 2018
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple
1417 South Main Street, Seattle, WA 98144

Keynote speakers

Carmela Javellana Hirano, MD                                              Elizabeth Myoen Sykes, PhD
Integrative Psychiatrist                                                            Counselor, LMCHA
Founder, Sanctuary for Healing & Integration               Japanese Soto Zen Practitioner
Asst. Minister, Salt Lake City Buddhist Temple            Topic: “Deep Listening and
Co-Director, Eco Sangha at Seattle U                              Right Speech in our
Topic:  “The Wounded Heart”                                 Relationships”

Registration fee (bento lunch included): adults $45
Students (with ID): $30
Scholarship available for anyone willing to work on set-up, clean-up and other tasks

Follow this link to the registration form.

Bon Odori July 21, 22: save the dates

Mark your calendars for the annual Bon Odori festival, July 21, 22. Join us for traditional Japanese dance, food, drinks, cultural displays, and a beer garden with live music and happy hour. Times are 4-10 p.m., July 21 and 3-8 p.m., July 22.

Since Bon Odori is a Buddhist event, as always, each day’s dancing will be preceded by a short Buddhist service. New this year: Buddhism 101, brief lecture on Jodo Shinshu Buddhism right before the services.

Dance practice dates:  July 9-12, and 16, 17: 7:30 p.m.

You have multiple ways to get updates.  Follow us on instagram: @SeattleBonOdori and check us out on Facebook.


Meditation time change, Sept. programs, fundraiser for women’s shelters

Starting this month, we will have a slightly longer Sunday meditation period; instead of following the Sunday service as it has in the past year, it will happen before the service from 9 to 9:40 a.m.

Dharma School (Sunday School for infants/toddlers through high school) begins September 10.

Guest minister Mas Kodani will give the Dharma Talk at the Ohigan (autumn equinox) service September 17.

The Women in Buddhism Conference will take place on Saturday, September 23, and the Eshinni-ko & Kakushinni-ko Memorial Service on Sunday, September 24. n conjunction with the Eshinni-ko & Kakushinni-ko service and Women’s Seminar, the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Women’s Association is sponsoring a collection to support our local Women’s Shelters.  Some of the items needed are listed here:
Clothing:  underwear and bras, especially in larger sizes, socks, shoes, season appropriate clothing and coats.
Personal Items:  toothpaste personal size, toothbrushes, tampons, feminine napkins, travel size deodorants, hair brushes, combs and picks, soap, shampoo, hair care products, razors, tissue packages and nail clippers.

Also, consider choosing items from  this shelter wish list.


White River sponsors Body and Mind Seminar Sept. 16

On Saturday, September 16, White River Buddhist Temple is offering a Body and Mind Seminar, from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

Susan Gilkey, M.D. and minister’s assistant at Chicago Buddhist Temple, will offer a two-part session of yoga exercise and meditation. Following this, Dr. Gilkey and Rev. Koshin Ogui, former bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America and retired resident minister of White River, will give a joint Dharma talk.

Program is free, but donations are encouraged. See link for more information and registration form.