Shin Buddhist Ethics – “Engagement with the Self”

Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji will be hosting the inaugural seminar of the Seattle Buddhist Study Center. The lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd starting at 7:00pm. He will be leading a lecture and discussion on how to apply Buddhist teachings in the trying times we live in. Read more for Rev. Miyaji’s abstract about his upcoming talk! Continue reading “Shin Buddhist Ethics – “Engagement with the Self””

“Is Amida Buddha a man or a woman?”

Rev. Katsu’s Reminiscence of Zimbabwe

by Rimban Katsuya Kusunoki

I was asked this interesting question. What do you think? Is Amida Buddha a man or woman? It looks like a man when I view the statue of Amida Buddha, but I was not sure when I was asked this question. I kept silent and didn’t answer anything. My uncle broke the silence.

“Amida Buddha can be either a man or a woman, and Amida Buddha can be neither a man nor a woman. Buddha is Buddha. Buddha doesn’t stay in the gender framework which we think.”

Continue reading ““Is Amida Buddha a man or a woman?””

No Sunday Service at the Betsuin this Weekend

Service will be held at the Hyatt Regency at Seattle’s Southport at 10:00am. Please join us for the NW District Convention’s closing Eitaikyo service.

The term Eitaikyo, an abridgement of eitai-dokkyo, means the perpetual chanting of the sutra in memory of the deceased, signifying that all those who have passed away lived in the Teachings of the Buddha. This signification gives each of us a chance to affirm our own understanding of Buddhism because of the guidance of the Buddha through our loved ones. Such affirmation gives us the precious opportunity to see how the Dharma has helped in our lives and to realize oneness of life. It means we are all connected.  Acknowledging our Dharma connection to those who have passed away empowers us to further pursue the path of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, which have been our spiritual treasures. The great virtue that may be accumulated in Pure Land Shin Buddhism is through the practice of the Dharma in our daily lives.