Tomoshie – Hearing the Dharma through Shadowgraphs

Sunday, September 16th, 10AM

Live at the Seattle Betsuin

This dynamic group of young Jodo Shinshu Buddhist priests from Japan will perform shadowgraph storytelling followed by Dharma talks on the theme of the stories.

10AM English Performance: “Bennen’s Joy: A Story of Shinran”
Get to know the Japanese Buddhist priest Shinran through his dramatic encounter with the ferocious mountain ascetic Bennen.

12 Noon 日本語公演: 『四門出遊』
Japanese language performance: “The Journey Out of the Four Gates”
Discover the courage and vision of Siddhartha Gotama, the founder of Buddhism, as he left a life of wealth and privilege to seek the path to awakening.

All performances are free and open to the public. Please plan to attend!

Save the date for “Tools for Spiritual Wellness — Women in Buddhism Conference

WiB logo1Registration is open for the Sixth Annual Women in Buddhism Conference
“Tools for Spiritual Wellness”

Saturday, September 22, 2018
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple
1417 South Main Street, Seattle, WA 98144

Keynote speakers

Carmela Javellana Hirano, MD                                              Elizabeth Myoen Sykes, PhD
Integrative Psychiatrist                                                            Counselor, LMCHA
Founder, Sanctuary for Healing & Integration               Japanese Soto Zen Practitioner
Asst. Minister, Salt Lake City Buddhist Temple            Topic: “Deep Listening and
Co-Director, Eco Sangha at Seattle U                              Right Speech in our
Topic:  “The Wounded Heart”                                 Relationships”

Registration fee (bento lunch included): adults $45
Students (with ID): $30
Scholarship available for anyone willing to work on set-up, clean-up and other tasks

Follow this link to the registration form.