International Ministerial Orientation Program (IMOP) visit to Seattle Betsuin

This weekend two Japanese ministers, Reverends Chikako Tsuyama and Yugo Fujita, will visit us and give Dharma talks in both English and Japanese. Reverends Tsuyama and Fujita are part of the 2015 IMOP class from our mother temple the Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto Japan. They will each give a 15 minute English language message on Friday evening starting at 7:30pm. On Saturday they along with Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara of the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkley, CA, will deliver a 3 hour Japanese language seminar starting at 9:30am. On Sunday the ministers will participate in our Eitaikyo Muenhoyo service and give both English and Japanese language Dharma talks.

Buddhist study group meets April 16

The next meeting of the Buddhist Study Group will take place on March 12.   The book for this month is Ken Tanaka’s “Buddhism on Air, which is described this way in the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) bookstore blurb.  This latest publication from Dr. Tanaka offers a unique collection of talks and interviews with noted Buddhist teachers and scholars, originally designed for TV presentation.  A variety of topics are discussed related to Buddhism today, including its teachings, practices, and culture, as well as art, songs and humor. 

Please contact Rinban Castro if you are interested in purchasing a copy.  The cost is $13.50. Also available from BCA bookstore. See link above.

The meeting will take place in the Memorial Hall from 9:30-11:30am.  There will be a brown bag lunch afterwards.  There is no cost to attend.