Zen Master Dogen’s “Mountains and Waters Sutra”

Dr. Jason Wirth of Seattle University will be hosting a lecture as part of the Seattle Buddhist Study Center this Sunday. The lecture will begin at 11:00am in the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple dining room. All are welcome to attend and for those that have time, there is a service beforehand in the Main Hall of the temple starting at 10:00am.


Shin Buddhist Ethics – “Engagement with the Self”

Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji will be hosting the inaugural seminar of the Seattle Buddhist Study Center. The lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd starting at 7:00pm. He will be leading a lecture and discussion on how to apply Buddhist teachings in the trying times we live in. Read more for Rev. Miyaji’s abstract about his upcoming talk! Continue reading “Shin Buddhist Ethics – “Engagement with the Self””