Temple Office is Closed

The Seattle Betsuin has suspended all activities in the interest of the safety of our Sangha and community. Services are still being streamed on Sunday’s at 10:00am at the link below. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Rev. Kusunoki will also be doing short streams each morning, except for Thursdays and Sundays, at 10:00am where he will lead a sutra and give some brief remarks to listeners on our YouTube channel.


Continue reading “Temple Office is Closed”

Sunday Services are Cancelled for the Month of March

In light of the recent news and recommendations from the King County Public Health Department, Seattle Betsuin leadership has made the decision to cancel services and all temple led programs and activities through the month of March. This is a preventative measure, but has been deemed prudent with regard to the health and safety of our Sangha and the extended community.
Services will be cancelled on the following dates:
March 8th, 2020
March 15th, 2020,
March 22nd, 2020
March 29th, 2020
Private services will be streamed on Sunday’s instead of regular Sunday Service so make sure you are tuned in and subscribed to the Seattle Betsuin’s YouTube page. Please feel free to share our page around to others that may be missing Sunday services in the coming weeks.

Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple YouTube Page


Cancelled – Salmon Dinner Fundraiser

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances the annual Salmon Dinner fundraiser has been cancelled this year. With regard to the health and safety of the community and our own Sangha, Betsuin leadership has decided it is prudent to cancel the event this year.

The salmon dinner is one of the biggest fundraiser’s for the temple. Donations due to the cancellation are very much appreciated. If you’d like to make a contribution, donations can be made via the “make an online donation” button on the right side of the screen, or the link below.

Seattle Betsuin Online Donations

Dana for World Peace, Part 5

By Rinban Katsuya Kusunoki

In January, I had a chance to attend the White River Buddhist Temple’s Hoonko Service. I thought it was a rare and precious opportunity, so I joined their meditation service. After the meditation service, one lady asked me, “A Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhist) minister told me that you as a Jodo Shinshu follower should not do meditation because it is not the Jodo Shinshu practice. Is this right?” I sometimes hear this kind of question. Here is my reply. “It is true that Meditation is not the Jodo Shinshu practice. In Jodo Shinshu, listening to the Dharma is very important. But when our mind is busy, we cannot listen to anybody’s talk and guidance. We meditate to calm down our mind and prepare ourselves to listen to the Buddha Dharma. With this understanding, I think we can do meditation. We have to be careful of growing our vanity and arrogance through practicing meditation. If it is so, we should change the way of practice or stop doing it. If the meditation practice causes the three poisons (Greed, Anger, Stupidity), don’t do it. We should practice meditation focusing on Wisdom and Compassion.” I am still learning how I should understand practicing meditation. Each minister and teacher have different understandings. I would like to hear their thoughts. Continue reading “Dana for World Peace, Part 5”