Dana for World Peace, Part 3

by Rimban Katsuya Kusunoki

Before Sakyamuni Buddha was enlightened, he had been reborn as different beings many times to fulfill the Buddhist Practice. The Jataka Tales tell the stories while Sakyamuni Buddha had reincarnated. I would like to introduce “The King Shibi and an Eagle” in the Jataka Tales and have you think about what Dana (Giving) is to you.

There was a King whose name was Shibi. One day a pigeon flew into his palace and said, “King Shibi, please save me from the Eagle. The Eagle trying to catch me.” Then, the eagle flew in to catch the pigeon.

“King Shibi, give me the pigeon. The pigeon is my game,” demanded Eagle.

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Dana for World Peace, Part 2

The NW District of Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) is going to hold its annual Convention in conjunction with the BCA National Council Meeting at the Hyatt Regency in Renton, Washington February 19 – 23, 2020. Seattle Betsuin is hosting both these big conferences. The theme is “Dana for World Peace”. We took this theme from the slogan of our sect, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. Our Gomonshu also mentioned this slogan in his New Year greeting message. (Please see the January Wheel of Dharma.)

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Save the dates: NW District Convention February 21-23

by Rimban Katsuya Kusunoki

The NW District of BCA is going to hold its annual convention in conjunction with the BCA National Council Meeting at the Hyatt Regency in Renton, Washington in February 2020. Seattle Betsuin is hosting both these big conferences. The theme is “Dana for World Peace,” which mirrors the 2020 thrust of our sect, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. Our Gomonshu also mentioned this in his New Year’s Greeting. (Please see the 2019 January Wheel of Dharma.) Continue reading “Save the dates: NW District Convention February 21-23”