Special Bodhi Day Service and Temple Potluck on December 2nd!

Bodhi Day is the Buddhist holiday where we commemorate the day Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment sitting underneath the Bodhi Tree. Join us for a Dharma talk by Reverend Fred Pelger from Tacoma Buddhist Temple on this special Buddhist holiday.

Also join us for our Bodhi Day potluck luncheon following our after service activities. Bring your favorite dish and come share a delicious meal with the rest of our Sangha in the gym beginning at 11:45.

Buddhist Book Group: Winter ’18-’19 readings

January 12 —

Searching for Mary Foster by Patricia Lee Masters — $3. Orders been taken now.

Awaken to your True Self – by Hideo Yonezawa (available at the BCA Bookstore here) – This book is a recent translation by Rev. Marvin Harada of OCBC

February – (and still searching for the book)

Times are 9:30-11:30. Bring a sack lunch if you wish to stay longer and talk.  Program is free.












Taiko Classes for Young and Old

Hosted by Seattle Matsuri Taiko

2018 Fall Taiko Workshop- The Full Meal Deal!

Seattle Buddhist Temple’s Matsuri Taiko will be holding an 8-9 session workshop for ages 11 through 111. The workshop will cover basic taiko rhythms, sticking and movement as well as playing dynamics as a group. With these skills, participants will learn to play a fun dynamic taiko song, which they will be encouraged to perform at the Seattle Buddhist Temple New Year’s Party on January 6th, 2019!

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