This weekend, Reverend Kiyonobu Kuwahara of Berkeley Buddhist Temple will be hosting a lecture on Shinran Shonin’s KyoGyoShinSho (Teaching, Practice, Faith, Realization). His English seminar will be on Saturday, October 19th starting at 9:30am. There is no cost to attend and anyone interested is welcome to come out! The lecture will be held in the temple dining room.
Reverend Ryoko Nishitani will also be visiting the Seattle Betsuin this weekend and will be giving our Sunday service Dharma talk as well as delivering a Dharma message during our Japanese service.
Reverend Kuwahara’s Japanese version of the lecture will be held on Friday, October 18th from 9:30pm – 2:30pm. Registration required for the Japanese seminar. Contact the temple office for details.