Let’s shout our love (Nembutsu) in the center of the Hondo!!

by Rimban Katsuya Kusunoki

In Japan March is the end of the school year and fiscal year. Everything restarts in April. So, spring is the season when people experience parting from friends and meeting with new friends. Parting with and meeting with people are conditions of Love. Don’t you think so? Do you still remember the feeling of love, or are you still in love? I remember I made a lot of mistakes in Love. Love is blind! I was so nervous when I told about my love to a lady who I deeply loved.

Let’s think about a general love story where one person tells their feelings to another.
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A Message from our Chairperson

“Although I too am within Amida’s grasp,
Passions obstruct my eyes and I cannot see him;
Nevertheless, great compassion is untiring and illumines me always.”
― Shinran Shonin

As this second week of cancelling events and appointments progresses, it has become evident to me, the power of interconnectedness. Connecting to the Dharma… having the time to read, study and absorb the teachings that Buddhism offers. Connecting to family and friends, who like myself, are always too busy to talk, text or email. Connecting to the events unfolding in the local community and world. In all of these instances, the reaching out to me, of me reaching out to others and the camaraderie that is shared is priceless.

I have heard from people who normally don’t reach out, but are feeling the weight of loneliness, by not being engaged in their everyday routines. If you have someone in your life who might want a text or call, I encourage you to reach out. If you want to contact me, please feel free to email at chairperson@seattlebetsuin.org. All of us need the interconnectedness that life offers.

Leanne Nishi-Wong,
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple Chair