Puget Sound Shin Buddhism Study Series

Our Northwest ministers are coming together for a wonderful evening of workshops and education!

On June 12th, Rinban Kusunoki, Rev. Warrick, Rev. Miyaji and Rev. Sugahara will be at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple to share in discussing and learning about the Dharma. Don’t miss out on this awesome event!

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All Sangha Day Workshops and Schedule

On May 26th, our third annual Sangha Day celebration will be taking place. Activities commence directly after service and will run until about 1:00PM. A full schedule can be found below and a lunch will be provided for those that choose to participate!

For Dharma school parents who want to attend the second session, there will be a sign making and decorating session available for kids and parents alike in the gym! The sign will be used during the temple’s Seattle Pride Parade march to help represent our group

There is a downloadable version of the programs for the day that will also be available on Sunday morning

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